If you happen to know the couple this design is for, then you also know the incredible kind of people they are! Being exotic animal lovers we had to step up our game and provide a little slice of heaven for the entire family. We blended grasses, cane, bamboo and water to inspire an Asian zen garden theme while providing edible & non toxic forage essential to the critters. To jump start this plan we incorporated native hackberry, neem, vetiver, and edible bamboo. We’re drawing in pollinators and people alike with the angelic scent of the sweet almond bush. Raised garden beds, stone benches, and a 3 tier fountain surround the pool and lawn with additional focal points while connecting the spaces seamlessly. These homeowners aren’t going to miss a beat, from sugarcane fun with nieces and nephews to growing olives, herbs, bananas, papaya, mango, citrus and so much more. To finish off this unique planting plan, we incorporated a brand new pool, additional winter interest, and a serene water garden full of life. All the while, blending formal lines with curvilinear paths to create this tranquil Asian zen garden featuring a tropical and edible twist.